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Ansible role to deploy Jitsi

Posted on do 19 maart 2020 in webapps

Giving the extra need for videoconferencing services, I created a quick and dirty ansible role to deploy Jitsi on Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10.

This is just the jitsi part, you may need to harden your machine for proper security. I have that too, but is not ready to be shared just like that.

The Jitsi setup comes as a public service, but with an extra authentication step when you want to create a new room / meeting. Joining an existing meeting can be done without proper auth, just have the roomlink.

The role can be downloaded from this webserver

The following attributes should be supplied via groups vars ie:

jitsi_public_url: "full_qualified_domain_name"

jitsi_letsencrypt_email: ""

jitsi_videobridge_component_secret: "random_string"

jitsi_focus_component_secret: "random_string_too"

jitsi_room_admin_user: "choose_username"

jitsi_room_admin_password: "choose_password"

Kudos to my partner in crime Mike Dell (@mndell on Twitter) for inspiration