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Check if a Red Hat / CentOS server needs a reboot after updates

Posted on ma 08 februari 2016 in software

At a client site updates were installed on Red Hat systems, but they were not always rebooted after a kernel update. So I needed a quick way to test if a server had a newer kernel installed than it was currently running. Just to save it for future use :


LAST_KERNEL=`/bin/rpm -q --last kernel | /usr/bin/head -1 | /usr/bin/perl -pe 's/^kernel-(\S+).*/$1/'`

echo "reboot pending. installed $LAST_KERNEL, currently running $RUNNING_KERNEL"
echo "system OK"

#rm $0
exit 0

(Debian and Ubuntu based systems have a somewhat simpler to use reboot pending flag on the filesystem)