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Offshoring to the US

Posted on vr 03 februari 2006 in services

While big companies are trying to offshore IT from the US to India, I'm getting ready to offshore some stuff from my home DSL connection to a Linode™ located in sunny California, the US. First thing on my list is to expand my OpenVPN network to the virtual host and my backup mailserver will certainly end up there.

This week the DSL connection died again for a couple of hours so I really need to replace it with something else. But to do that, I first have to move some stuff to other locations. The Linode will be one of those places.

I'm also working on moving all my domain names to EuroDNS, but moving .nl domains involves sending faxes, so that will take some more time to complete.

This is actually the first time I pay other people to do Internet stuff for me. Will try this for a year and see how thing work out. Both EuroDNS and Linode were recommended to me by a Unixtastic guy, so it should work fine.