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Personal wordpress site rebuild using Hugo

Posted on wo 08 juni 2022 in personal

The last couple of weeks I took the time to convert our personal webspace to Hugo. Over the last ten years or so we relied in php based solution like Joomla and Wordpress, which worked fine. But I wanted to move to something generated so the content will be available long after php, wordpress and similar technologies go extinct.

There was a wordpress plugin that did some of the work, but a lot of manual adjustments were needed to make it all look nice and complete again. Also, the categories/tags needed a big cleanup, because over the period of more than ten years things got a bit messy.

With the personal site being generated with Hugo and my company website too, it raises the question if I need to abandon pelican on this website and move to Hugo here. Or just move the content (back) over to the company website.

Something to work on, on another day.