Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Systeemkabouter blog archive – Power usage in my home

Power usage in my home

Posted on ma 22 mei 2006 in home

Item Watt
Trinity media PC 76 Watt (IDLE) 100 W (gzipping) 68 W (HDD sleep)
KPN TV settop (dual tuner) 14 W (on), 13 W ('off')
KPN TV settop (single tuner) 7 W (on), 5 W ('off')
iBook charger 2 W (IDLE)
Phone chargers 0 W (no phone connected )
normal TV (CRT) 75 W (on), 15 W (standby)
5.1 reciever / DVD player 16 W (on), 0 W (standby), 32 W (playing DVD)
Linkssys AP/router 5 W (on)

The most disturbing ones are the KPN TV set-top boxes who in standby hardly use less power than when turned on and the old TV in my bedroom that uses 15 watt whilst in standby.