Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Systeemkabouter blog archive – Rather busy but...

Rather busy but...

Posted on za 18 februari 2006 in plan

There is still some progress worth mentioning.


I've been using Unison for a couple of weeks now, to sync this site and a couple of others. No problems until now and I've added a small unison page that will be expanded later.

Windows based OpenVPN gateway

About a month ago I set up a Windows based OpenVPN gateway. I initially ran into some trouble, so I did a quick write-up on that.

Turku offline

My father is rearranging stuff in his home and he actually mailed me if it was a problem when turku (my offsite backup server) would be disconnected for a couple of week. As I'm more then happy that he is willing to host this machine, I shut down the machine last week and am now waiting for him to finish moving furniture around. Hmmm, maybe I should ask him if he needs a hand ....

Most webcams offline again

Either I find something fascinating to point these things at or they will lay around IDLE for a long time to come.