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Time to install another Linux distro on the desktop *updated*

Posted on do 13 oktober 2022 in hardware

Totally installing RHEL on an old desktop still lingering around here. I tried Zorin first, which is a fine desktop OS. But apparently it is the bad month to be trying to run VMWare Workstation 16 on top of that.

I got al sorts of kernel module shizzle I hadn't seen for years. Some Internet researching pointed out that if you want the best experience with Workstation under Linux, you should probably move to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

So that's where I am at right now. Installing RHEL9 on the Desktop. Just for fun and giggles. I am not even going to pretend that this is a long term thing. Reinstalling operating systems apparently is my hobby.

15-okt-22 update

Two days later and things are rolling along nicely. There was a screen blanking issue where I had to reboot the machine to get it in working stage. This was solved by installing the Nvidia proprietary display drivers.

  • VMWare workstation 16.x.x installed flawlessly without any fuss
  • Things that are not in RHEL/EPEL repo's were easily accessible using Flatpak.

Still getting used to the slightly different desktop behaviour. I like having a dock of sorts permanently visible/accessible. And what was wrong with a minimize button on an application window? I must have missed the memo on that one.