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Trying FreeBSD on an Macbook Pro model 2013

Posted on zo 25 juni 2023 in runbsd

So there was still a popular operating system that I had not touched for years. I once tried FreeBSD about twenty years ago. I remember it was fine at the time. But I just could not find a reason to run it over Linux or OpenBSD.

Now it is a long time later and I have this old Macbook collecting dust in my drawer. Such a nice piece of hardware. Ten years old by now, but still very usable with an i7 CPU, 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB of disk.

Photo of FreeBSD installer on my MBP 2013

So yes, I had to find a use for it, so I figured I would give FreedBSD another shot. And things certainly had progressed nicely. The installer was nog hard at all, managed to get the basic OS installed with disk encryption with zero effort or any reading of any documentation. Nice.

Photo of FreeBSD installer on my MBP 2013

I did have to use some blogposts to get X, Gnome and a graphics driver installed. But after that I had a working desktop system.

Photo of FreeBSD installer on my MBP 2013

That is where I left it of for now last week. I hope to spend more time with it, to see if I can get all functionality I would get on my Debian desktop on FreeBSD too :-)

Photo of FreeBSD installer on my MBP 2013